Wednesday, 2 October 2013


There are many ways to define and understand the soul. To begin with, one could say that the soul is the intermediary between the human being on earth and the spirit in heaven.

For all in one’s birth upto the fourth initiation (here the person has laid all, meaning to say the person has to eventually renounced all including his family, friends, money, reputation, character and even life itself), the soul is the guide and teacher for the human being. It is at the fourth initiation, that the soul body or causal body is burned (Moksha attained) up in some mystical fashion and the soul returns up into the spirit, its purpose and function for all the many births is over. Therefore, no more reincarnations on earth plane but can come back by choice to guide humanity to rise up. Now the spirit becomes the guide and teacher for the soul.

We all know that the five elements (Fire, Air, Space, Earth and Water) i.e. Matter is the vehicle of expression for the soul on this Earth plane meaning to say that it is through the physical body, they communicate. On the higher planes, soul serves as an expression vehicle for spirit. Therefore, the soul is neither spirit nor matter but is the relation between the two. It is the intermediary between God and form.

Most of the human beings operate from their mind. They have no idea how to connect with their soul but many human beings know what is soul. We are conditioned from our childhood to use our mind to operate in this physical world. Therefore, we ignore the much more powerful tool given to us by God which can understand things better than the mind. The soul despite being connected with the physical body does not really pay much attention to the human being until the human being begins to pay attention to spiritual matters. The soul is busy with meditation and other matters of service. Once the human being starts to show interests, the soul begins to take a very active role.

The soul can also be defined as the attractive force of the universe that holds all forms together so that God can manifests and express himself through them. The physical, emotional and mental bodies are the garments of the soul. It is the soul that feels, registers awareness, attracts and repels and keeps all forms in action.

The soul can be also be described as the child of the Father God and Mother Earth who has come onto the Earth in order to reveal the nature of God which is love.

There is a misconception that the soul is all knowing. Please note that each soul is in the process of learning and growing. The human being or personality on earth is also evolving. So also the Monad or spirit. Now to understand what is Monad, Soul and Personality, I give below the chart for your perusal.

Monad               Soul                                  Personality
Spirit               Consciousness                     Physical Body

A Monad has 12 souls under it and each soul has 12 extentions under it i.e. a total of 144 extensions. These extensions are the human beings on earth.

One Monad, 12 Souls and 12 Soul extensions under each soul

The soul comes into the body just before birth or just after birth. It is generally between the fourth and seventh year that the soul makes contact with the physical brain of the child. The soul makes contact with the astral or emotional body between the ages of seven and fourteen. The soul makes contact with the mental body between the ages of twenty one and twenty five. Contact with the soul usually occurs between thirty fifth and forty second years. The potential to contact the monad begins after the soul has passed the second initiation (Once you have control over your emotional body).

All Monads or individualized spiritual sparks were created in the beginning at the same moment. Therefore, all monads are of the same age. Old soul refers to how many life times a soul has had in earthly incarnation. An average soul with all its 12 personalities has around 2,000 life times. Older soul has 2500-3000 lifetimes.

Unconditional love, joy, happiness, the ability to be alone, divine indifference, detachment, freedom, inner calm, wisdom and intuition are the characteristics of the soul. There is a very interesting differentiation among happiness, joy and bliss. Happiness is a personality reaction, joy is a quality of the soul and bliss is the quality of atonement with the Monad or Spirit.

The attention of a Master is attracted to the human being or incarnated personality by the brilliance of the internal light of that individual. When the light has reached certain intensity, the aura has reached a certain color and the overall vibration a specific rate and measure, the Master comes. The choice of the human being or the incarnated personality by the Master is governed by the past karma, past associations and the ray on which the incarnated personality is found.

The soul and the hierarchy:

The spiritual hierarchy is basically the world of souls. In respect to the soul there are three types of hierarchial workers:
a) Soul: Those who have taken the fourth initiation and in whom the soul body or causal body has been destroyed i.e. Moksha attained people. They are the custodians of the plan.
b) Soul infused personalities: Those disciples and initiates of the first three initiations through whom the souls work in the carrying out of the plans.
c) Intelligent aspirants: Those who are not yet soul infused personalities but who recognize the Divine plan and seek the welfare of their fellow man.

For the people who are yet to come in the path of spirituality, the purpose of taking birth would be in vain if they at some or the other period of their life do not walk the path of spirituality. The basic purpose of birth is to evolve into a better human being than what you were before birth. That is why there is a plan of action which is done before taking birth. You choose your parents where your plan of action could be activated meaning to say that you need the right surroundings to experience what you want to experience and learn from it and cross that hurdle. Depending on the evolvement of the soul, the person acts meaning to say as per his past karmas. All the experiences we have in our lives are a result of our plans in the soul stage to experience in this life so that we can move ahead. For example, our relationships with our partners are the most complicated due to which we decide at the soul level that we would become partners and correct the anomaly we have in our relations so that we do not need to come back again. Once the understanding comes in that through love and only love you can cross all the hurdles, then the intention to work on your love comes in. You need to start by loving yourself first to love others. Once the love angle opens up, your connection with your soul starts and the soul starts to guide you, Masters come in and guide you further to help you to come out from our cycle of Karma Bandhan. Once this happens, then the Moksha experience is the next step but in between you have to cross the detachment to your family, friends, money, reputation, character needs to come in. It does not mean you move away or you do not love them, it’s only that you do your work without attachment. Relations improve further when you are not expecting anything from the other person. Expectations are the root cause of misery in our lives. If we do not learn from our experiences, we have to again come back and start over again. Therefore, we need to give importance to understand who we are and for what we have to come to planet earth.

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Myth of Love

The great myth of Love is that you cannot love anyone else or yourself as Love is not a "doing" but an allowing. Allowing this joy and delight in the expression of yourself and others is a wonderful expression, and is what I call "Love".

Karmakshalan Kriya

All the karmas are stored in the Causal body which is the fifth body. The first body is the Physical body, second is Etheric body, third is Emotional or Astral body, fourth is the mental body, fifth is the Causal body, sixth is the Cosmic Body (Diamond) and the Seventh is the Nirvanic body (Celestial). These bodies are visible to very good Clairvoyant person and higher Masters. Those who can see the Causal body can tell you about your Karmas which you are going to face in this life. 

There are three types of Karmas. First is Sanchit Karma, which is your warehouse of pending Karmas for the present and future births. Prarabdh Karmas are the Karmas which you are going to face in this birth and Kriyaman Karmas are the ones which you are making by your actions now.

Now coming on how to remove or burn your Karmic seeds. You need to have the right attitude of learning and practicing. Gratitude to the Master has to be present immensely, otherwise the Mahakriya will not give its due results. If the thought in you is to test the process or the Master, its bound to fail because you are yourself not confident of its success and the element of trusts is not there in full. With the right attitude of learning, respect, gratitude and practice, if, we do the Maha Kriya i.e. of 108 breaths in different frequencies and with the blessings of God and your Guru who is present while the Maha Kriya is happening in Water and then around Fire, over a period of time (say a minimum of 45 continuous days), a good quantity of Karma is either deleted or burned. You can feel bad smell in the water after doing Mahakriya in your tub which is a proof of the Karma getting deleted. Once the smell goes from the water, we ourselves will feel very light and happy. This itself is a proof that your Karmic load has become light or your Causal body is cleansed of some of your karmas. 

It also depends on your past birth Karmas you have accumulated. If the karmic load is high then it will take more time. 

I personally feel that its always better to go without much expectations and in surrender mode. Results are best this way. 

Love and Light.

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Law of Karma

The Law of Karma which we understand normally is "As you sow, so you reap".

Our Shastras says "Buddhi Karmanusarani". If you break it up, it means like this "Buddhi + Karm + Anusarani" which means that our Buddhi i.e. intellect is guided as per our Prarabdha Karmas. Therefore, our past Karmas are the reasons behind the intellect taking the decision. If the Karma was good, our intellectual decision will reap positive results and if the Karmas was not good, our results will not be good.

The second Sutra is "Karma Buddhyanusarinam" which means our Kriyaman Karma which is done in the present moment is based on our Buddhi i.e. Intellect. When we understand both the sutras clearly, we come to the clear understanding that all our Intellectual decisions are based on our Past Karmas. A normal human being not following seriously the path of spirituality will be stuck in this vicious cycles which is called the Karma Bandhan i.e. bondage. This is the reason why "Enlightenment" is a rare commodity in today's world.

Until and unless you do not understand the Karma theory properly i.e. at our cellular level, we will be stuck in temporary happiness and sorrows of life.

Our Great Sages of the past had kept a well guarded secret called Karmakshalan Kriya. Very few Masters of today talk about this but this kriya helps you to come out of this Karmic Entanglement. There is a process for which we need to have the right attitude of learning to reach that stage. I have personally grown and experienced lot of changes in my life. Our Mind Intellect is not in a process to understand this knowledge, therefore, it would be better to experience it with an open mind.

Four Aspects of Human Life

Human Life consists of four aspects:

1) Physical Aspect
2) Emotional Aspect
3) Mental Aspect
4) Spiritual Aspect

In order to find balance, fulfillment and completeness in our lives, we need to heal, develop and integrate all four of these aspects within ourselves. Once these four areas are healed completely, we start to move into higher consciousness and become more loving in our own hearts. The journey thereafter becomes beautiful and full of experiences.