I am personally happy to see that life is changing for good now with the COVID-19 issue going on, though fear of uncertainty is there in many people.
Ascension energies has already started and the process is going on. Once we move into the 5th dimension, there will be love and respect among each other. This should happen within the next 9 years (2029) time. It’s basically moving from cellular to crystalline structured cells. Our DNA will get more and more activated by which our body will stop ageing. Our seven bodies will be connected and we will become aware what our purpose of life is and what we as a soul want to do. Presently our physical body is not connected to the other energy bodies due to which majority does not know why they are here and what the Soul wants to do. So there is a gap between the conscious mind and the soul.
Fear and control concept in the present dimension will go away as we move into a higher consciousness.
People will connect with God internally only. No need of intermediaries. People will visit energy centres to connect with the energy.
Now is the time to open our 7 chakra’s (if not opened) i.e. to experience kundalini and then work on to open the additional 4 main chakras. They are located at the diaphragm, thymus gland, back of the head near medulla oblongata and the fourth one at the centre of the head. All these four chakras will help us to keep our health in great shape. They will help us to raise our DNA to 12 DNA structure. Then we would not need to go for health check up as we will not fall sick. Secondly, our body would not respond to chemical medication as our body will be in crystalline structure. If at all we do not feel good, it will be cured by ourselves by aligning our mental and emotional body with the other bodies.
The diaphragm chakra will help us to remove our suppressed negative emotions. These suppressed negative emotions are the cause of many diseases. This diaphragm chakra is also the centre of our life force ie pranic energy. It will use the pranic energy to transmute the negative emotional energy.
Second chakra is located at the Thymus gland (upper chest area). This chakra will help the thymus to function at its full capacity. As of now, after birth as a kid, this thymus shrinks in size as we grow old. When the thymus gland fully functions, it will help us to open our strong Immune system to fight off all kinds of diseases.
The 3rd chakra located at the back of the head, above the medulla oblongata. It has to do with activation of Psychic ability. Some people have this ability already and are in demand for many decades. In psychics, this chakra is already active. It will help us to connect and read others thoughts due to which ppl will speak the truth only and not come under anybody's control.
The 4th chakra which is at the centre of our head, close to the Pineal gland. The purpose of this chakra is to receive multidimensional information. This information guides our thought forms that create our good health. Therefore, we can maintain perfect health.
In US, People take LSD drugs or in South America, the Shamans give Ayahusca plant to get this inter-dimensional experiences as they cause the Pineal Gland to secrete hormones to open up for sometime.
Those who will be resistant to move into the 5th dimension (especially senior citizens), will function at their own dimension or can drop off to rejoin in the next birth and rise up. Nothing to be scared as I firmly believe that majority will absorb into the new changes coming in. I believe that we should be open to higher unknown knowledge and in acceptance mode to be guided up.
Most of the people’s life change towards spirituality when they receive a heavy jolt in life. Its happening now due to COVID-19. I hope we do not wait thinking that the old days will be back. It will never be back and the new changes as mentioned above will move in.
So work on your daily meditation as time is in plenty now and become more loving, calm and humble. We all have the ability to attain it.
Om Sairam 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Ascension energies has already started and the process is going on. Once we move into the 5th dimension, there will be love and respect among each other. This should happen within the next 9 years (2029) time. It’s basically moving from cellular to crystalline structured cells. Our DNA will get more and more activated by which our body will stop ageing. Our seven bodies will be connected and we will become aware what our purpose of life is and what we as a soul want to do. Presently our physical body is not connected to the other energy bodies due to which majority does not know why they are here and what the Soul wants to do. So there is a gap between the conscious mind and the soul.
Fear and control concept in the present dimension will go away as we move into a higher consciousness.
People will connect with God internally only. No need of intermediaries. People will visit energy centres to connect with the energy.
Now is the time to open our 7 chakra’s (if not opened) i.e. to experience kundalini and then work on to open the additional 4 main chakras. They are located at the diaphragm, thymus gland, back of the head near medulla oblongata and the fourth one at the centre of the head. All these four chakras will help us to keep our health in great shape. They will help us to raise our DNA to 12 DNA structure. Then we would not need to go for health check up as we will not fall sick. Secondly, our body would not respond to chemical medication as our body will be in crystalline structure. If at all we do not feel good, it will be cured by ourselves by aligning our mental and emotional body with the other bodies.
The diaphragm chakra will help us to remove our suppressed negative emotions. These suppressed negative emotions are the cause of many diseases. This diaphragm chakra is also the centre of our life force ie pranic energy. It will use the pranic energy to transmute the negative emotional energy.
Second chakra is located at the Thymus gland (upper chest area). This chakra will help the thymus to function at its full capacity. As of now, after birth as a kid, this thymus shrinks in size as we grow old. When the thymus gland fully functions, it will help us to open our strong Immune system to fight off all kinds of diseases.
The 3rd chakra located at the back of the head, above the medulla oblongata. It has to do with activation of Psychic ability. Some people have this ability already and are in demand for many decades. In psychics, this chakra is already active. It will help us to connect and read others thoughts due to which ppl will speak the truth only and not come under anybody's control.
The 4th chakra which is at the centre of our head, close to the Pineal gland. The purpose of this chakra is to receive multidimensional information. This information guides our thought forms that create our good health. Therefore, we can maintain perfect health.
In US, People take LSD drugs or in South America, the Shamans give Ayahusca plant to get this inter-dimensional experiences as they cause the Pineal Gland to secrete hormones to open up for sometime.
Those who will be resistant to move into the 5th dimension (especially senior citizens), will function at their own dimension or can drop off to rejoin in the next birth and rise up. Nothing to be scared as I firmly believe that majority will absorb into the new changes coming in. I believe that we should be open to higher unknown knowledge and in acceptance mode to be guided up.
Most of the people’s life change towards spirituality when they receive a heavy jolt in life. Its happening now due to COVID-19. I hope we do not wait thinking that the old days will be back. It will never be back and the new changes as mentioned above will move in.
So work on your daily meditation as time is in plenty now and become more loving, calm and humble. We all have the ability to attain it.
Om Sairam 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻