Sunday, 8 September 2013

Myth of Love

The great myth of Love is that you cannot love anyone else or yourself as Love is not a "doing" but an allowing. Allowing this joy and delight in the expression of yourself and others is a wonderful expression, and is what I call "Love".

Karmakshalan Kriya

All the karmas are stored in the Causal body which is the fifth body. The first body is the Physical body, second is Etheric body, third is Emotional or Astral body, fourth is the mental body, fifth is the Causal body, sixth is the Cosmic Body (Diamond) and the Seventh is the Nirvanic body (Celestial). These bodies are visible to very good Clairvoyant person and higher Masters. Those who can see the Causal body can tell you about your Karmas which you are going to face in this life. 

There are three types of Karmas. First is Sanchit Karma, which is your warehouse of pending Karmas for the present and future births. Prarabdh Karmas are the Karmas which you are going to face in this birth and Kriyaman Karmas are the ones which you are making by your actions now.

Now coming on how to remove or burn your Karmic seeds. You need to have the right attitude of learning and practicing. Gratitude to the Master has to be present immensely, otherwise the Mahakriya will not give its due results. If the thought in you is to test the process or the Master, its bound to fail because you are yourself not confident of its success and the element of trusts is not there in full. With the right attitude of learning, respect, gratitude and practice, if, we do the Maha Kriya i.e. of 108 breaths in different frequencies and with the blessings of God and your Guru who is present while the Maha Kriya is happening in Water and then around Fire, over a period of time (say a minimum of 45 continuous days), a good quantity of Karma is either deleted or burned. You can feel bad smell in the water after doing Mahakriya in your tub which is a proof of the Karma getting deleted. Once the smell goes from the water, we ourselves will feel very light and happy. This itself is a proof that your Karmic load has become light or your Causal body is cleansed of some of your karmas. 

It also depends on your past birth Karmas you have accumulated. If the karmic load is high then it will take more time. 

I personally feel that its always better to go without much expectations and in surrender mode. Results are best this way. 

Love and Light.