Friday, 22 May 2020

Major Mudras required during Kriya and Meditation

The human body is a miniature replica of the Universe. With passage of time, Rishis realized that nature has made the human body so capable that whatever issues arise, the body has the capacity and power to heal them. The Universe influences the human characteristics and personality and in the same way a human being’s muscles, glands, nerves and other systems are affected by Mudras.


A Mudra is performed to basically direct the flow of energy through the body for various purposes like healing the body etc. The most common mudra used is Hasta Mudra. Therefore, Mudras are like the control button of the body to help divine waves of a particular different energy to begin to flow in the body. 


With the practice of proper Mudras, it helps to restore the balance between the five elements or Pancha Mahabhutas. They are as follows:


Thumb                : Fire/Tejas

Index finger        : Air/Vayu

Middle finger      : Space/Ether/Akasa

Ring finger          : Earth/Prithvi

Little finger         : Water/Jala


                                                     The elements at your fingertips – Fire up Water down


We should be observant for what purpose we are using the Mudras. Practicing Meditation with Mudras seriously helps in calming the mind, removing karmic patterns, improves health, concentration, clarity, waves of speech and sound. The above five elements (Agni, Vayu, Aakash, Prithvi and Jala) moves in all four directions. As per our needs we should imbibe these five elements and experience them.


We are going to discuss on the Major Mudras required during Kriya. Our body has a total of ten types of Vayu/Air of which five are the most important. They are Pran Mudra, Apaan Mudra, Vyaan Mudra, Udaan Mudra and Samaan Mudra. Gyan Mudra and/or Dhyan Mudra is used during meditation.


Pran Mudra


Pran Mudra helps in the progress of our divine Praan energy. It is to be done by keeping the Spinal cord straight. When the Praan is activated, it moves upwards from the bottom of our spine all the way upwards till your Sahasarara Chakra through your Sushumna Naadi. This Praan brings in deep changes in the sense, mind and emotions and makes one alert in awareness. The Mudra is as follows:


a)   When the tips of the ring finger, little finger and thumb are joined together and the rest two fingers are kept straight with the thumb applying a gentle pressure. This is called Pran Mudra.                                                                             


                                                            Pran Mudra |



1)   The elements of earth, water and fire are combined in this Mudra, it helps to remove obstacles present in blood vessels.

2)   This Mudra starts the flow of vital energy in our body in such a way that it feels as if the body has become activated with energy. During meditation, it can be felt everywhere.

3)   This Mudra stimulates joy, delight, zeal, hope and perseverance.

4) Those who are weak mentally, it's beneficial for them. It provides so much energy and stamina to a person that it makes him mentally and physically fit and strong to fight against any diseases.

5)   It helps to improve eyesight, deficiency of vitamins, cramps in muscles or veins, pain in the legs, numbness in any part can be healed.

6)   Concentration can be increased.

7)   Muscular system can be strengthened.

8)   This Mudra makes the muscular system stronger.


Remarks: Practice for 15-30 mins daily to get maximum benefit.


Apaan Mudra


                                                  Apaan Mudra - Home Remedies & Yoga Mudras


When the tip of the thumb is joined to the tips of the middle finger and the ring finger by applying a gentle pressure and the remaining fingers (index and little) are kept straight. Then Apaan Mudra is formed. Fire (Agni), Akash (Ether/Space) and Earth (Prithvi) join together to help certain organs of our body for digestion. Mudra is for purification. This downward flow of breath detoxifies the body and is an important practice to keep the body free from unwanted energy and waste.


Apaan Vayu is present in Swasthya Kendra (Swadhistaan chakra), Shakti kendra (mooladhaar Chakra), Stomach, Navel, Anus, Penis/Vagina, knees, calf and Thighs.



1)   Apaan Vayu purifies the body. This remove the toxins as well as various elements from our body, which makes it impure.

2)   This Mudra helps in the proper flow of perspiration, stool and urine. If a person is not able to urinate then he/she should do this mudra for 45 mins and the urine will be released from the body. If perspiration is too much or too less, then it can be balanced.

3)   Stomach problems as well as problems such as vomiting, hiccups and restlessness can be cured.

4)   For healthy teeth, Apaan mudra and Aakash mudra should be done together.

5)   Apaan Mudra is also beneficial for females during regular menstrual cycles. It gets the bleeding under control and reduces the pain.

6)   If burning sensation is felt during urine, then Apaan Mudra gives relief.

7)   This Mudra purifies the body by removing the toxics and makes spiritual progress easier.


Remarks: Practice for 15-30 mins daily to get maximum benefit.


Vyaan Mudra 

                                                        Vyana Mudra | How To Do And Its Benefits. - Mudrayogasana


 Touch the tip of the middle finger to the tip of the thumb and touch the tip of the index finger to the nail of the middle finger. Apply little pressure with the tip of the thumb and keep the other fingers straight to form the Vyaan Mudra.



 1.   This helps to balance the Vyaan-Vayu present in our body so that the blood circulation in the body is normal. High and low blood pressure can be balanced using this mudra.
2.   It removes drowsiness and excessive sleep.
3.   It can give better control to of response to temperature. Those who cannot tolerate excessive heat can benefit from this mudra.
4.   It gives control over excessive thirst, sweating and urination.
5.   It can be used to control diarrhea.


Remarks: Practice for 15-30 mins daily to get maximum benefit.


Udaan Mudra


Place the tip of the index  finger and little finger on the tip of the thumb and middle and ring finger  to be straight. The hand to be kept at your shoulder level but below your ears during kriya.



1) It helps to regulate the blood flow to the brain and helps in thinking, creativity and intellectual sharpness.

2) It improves the functioning of the thyroid and para thyroid glands.   

3) It improves the respiratory function and alleviate asthma by ensuring smooth breathing.

4) It improves voice and speech control.

5) It improves the strength of the limbs also.


Remarks: Practice for 15-30 mins daily to get maximum benefit.


Samaan Mudra


Touch the tips of all the five fingers together, let the tips and the palm face the navel and apply a slight pressure with the thumb during meditation. Here all the five elements gather together in the right quantity.


                                            Samana Mudra Este mudra nos ayudara a... - Rishikul Yogshala in ...



1.   It helps to balance all the five elements in our body.

2.   It helps to balance all the three doshas i.e. Vata, Pita and Kapha.

3.   This mudra helps in removal of undesirable elements which increases serenity and calmness of mind.

4.   If you want to prevent illness, this is the best mudra to practice on daily basis.

5.   Increases appetite.


Remarks: Practice for 15-30 mins daily to get maximum benefit.


Dhyan Mudra


After sitting in Sukhasaan or Padmasana, right palm should be placed on the left palm with both the thumb tips touching each other. Joining the tips creates energy. During meditation it creates more energy. Both the palms should be placed just below the naval.





1.   As the name suggests, this mudra is good to deepen the meditation.

2.   It helps to decrease restlessness and increases concentration.

3.   It helps to enrich and neutralize one character which makes the persons aura powerful, pure and bright.

4.   It brings in a sense of calmness and harmony with the mind.

5.   With practice it helps to control anger and change in temperament.

6.   Doing this mudra in Padmasan makes the spinal cord erect due to which the sushumana nadi starts functioning and energy rises upwards.

7.   It has a deep impact on controlling the stress levels in the body. Anxiety and depression come’s in control.


Remarks: Practice for 15-30 mins daily to get maximum benefit.


Gyan/Chin Mudra


When the tip of the index finger is joined to the tip of the thumb and the rest of the fingers are kept straight then it’s called Gyan/Chin Mudra.




1. This Mudra activates the neurons present in the brains and expands our intelligence.

2.   It works on the growth of air element in the body. Thus, it helps to subdue the deficiency causes of Kapha and Pitha dosha.

3.   Concentration and memory increase’s due to better nervous system.

4.   It improves Pituitary glands function. Pituitary gland helps other glands to release hormones.

5.   Diseases of the brains such as mental disorders, restlessness, any types of phobias, indecisiveness, depression, frustrations can be cured.

6.   It helps to stimulate root chakra.


Remarks: Practice for 15-30 mins daily to get maximum benefit.